Angelic Drop In (ADI) Clinic Registration form

Thank you for your interest in an ADI session.

In order to ensure you get the most value from your ADI session we are keen to understand a little bit more about you and your business. Also the key things you want to achieve or questions you would like answered at your meeting.

Check out the brief video by Enterprise Angels Member and entrepreneur Fritz Frohlke, who shares what to expect at ADI clinic.

Please complete the below form as soon as possible so our Angels can review prior to meeting with you.

  • Please give an overview of your business/product, the problem it addresses, target market, market size,competitive landscape, IP
  • List the people involved in your company, the positions they hold and their experience and connections.
  • What capability gaps do you have currently and how are you looking to address this.
  • Detail where you are at in terms of market validation, annual revenue to date, forecasted revenue
  • (Max 3) Please be specific so we can ensure we can help you achieve your objectives.
  • Statistical Information
    We are collecting the following information to help us understand more about Founder diversity
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.