Investing in a Portfolio Company
Register your interest to invest in one of our porfolio companies.
Currently there are over 75 active companies in our portfolio. If the company your interested in is currently raising capital we will send you deal information. If not, we will add your interest to our database and let you know when there is an opportunity to invest.
Angel investments are generally illiquid in nature however there are occasions when an investor has units available for sale. If there are any secondary shares/units for sale in the company/ies you have registered interest in, we will let you know.
If you are interested in investing in EA Fund 4, please register your interest here to receive the IM.
To be eligible to invest you need to qualify as a Wholesale Investors under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013. For more details click here.
Please note the minimum investment amount is $5,000. You will be charged a 4% admin fee upon investment along with an exit fee on divestment. For more info please check here.
Risk Warning: Investing in early stage companies involves risk and should be done only as part of a diversified portfolio. Offers facilitated by Enterprise Angels are for Wholesale Investors who make their own investment decisions and understand the risks. Read the full risk warning.