Swiped On
Visit Company SiteLaunched in 2013, SwipedOn built an elegant iPad based Visitor Management solution. Based in Tauranga, they have a mix of talented team members across the globe helping to shape the future of SwipedOn.
In December 2017 a successful capital raising round of $1m was closed with the bulk of the funding coming from Enterprise Angels (members, AngelEquity investors and EA Fund 2 LP), K1W1 (investment company owned by The Warehouse founder, Stephen Tindall) and NZGCP (formerly NZVIF) (New Zealand Growth Capital Partners).
Less than a year later, a total of 83 Enterprise Angels Investors (including the 63 limited partners of EA Fund 2) benefited from a 2.4x return on their investment due to the successful sale of SwipedOn to Britain’s Smartspace Software PLC for $11 million.