Wholesale Investor Eligibility

All Angel Investors in New Zealand must qualify as Wholesale Investors under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013.

Not sure if you qualify as a Wholesale Investor?

Complete the below online wholesale investor questionaire that will help you undertand the criteria.

Your Name(Required)
Am I an Eligible Wholesale Investor?(Required)
If you have ticked at least one box above, and you have a New Zealand authorised financial adviser, qualified statutory accountant, or lawyer who is able to sign to this fact, then you are a "Eligible" Wholesale Investor according to clause 41 of the FMCA 2013 and you can invest in early stage deals and/or become an Enterprise Angels Member. You may be able to self certify your status if you can answer one or more of the following questions.
Can I self certify?
If you have ticked at least one box in this section, then you are a Wholesale Investor as defined in clauses 37, 38, or 39 of the FMCA 2013 and you can certainly invest early stage deals and/or become an Enterprise Angels Member.
Please submit your answers so we can add you to our database, so we can invite you to our Pitch events and keep you updated you with investment opportunities.

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