Arcanum delivers enterprise AI technology to support and augment existing human decision making.

Arcanum gives organizations unparalleled access to the power of machine learning. It deliver models and data pipelines that super-power corporations, making them stronger, faster, and more agile.

Asa Cox founded Arcanum out of ambition, optimism, and a passion for AI/ML. He saw the huge opportunities ahead for organisations to capture the value of the exponential technology, but also understand the barriers organisations face in adoption. From day one the focus has been simplified solutions that bypass technical roadblocks, so teams can quickly demonstrate the commercial success and scale of what’s possible with this exciting technology – unleashing awesome for users and customers.

REGION – Wellington

INDUSTRY – Technology

STAGE – Startup


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We welcome engagement from anyone interested or involved in the early stage investment market – Investors, Angel Members, Strategic or Corporate Partners, Founders, Incubators or Accelerators, Deal Referrers, Acquisition Partners etc.