Fuel50 is career pathing software that is transforming the employee career experience across the globe in companies like Madison Square Garden, United Nations, CocaCola, CVS, Twinings, Verizon and many more. Fuel50’s career pathing machine-intelligence matches employees’ talents, skills and career aspirations to organisational pathways and supports leaders to deliver better quality growth and performance conversations.
It enables people to evolve their talent and potential and be their best at work.
Enterprise Angels investors first met founders Anne Fulton and Jo Mills in Sept 2015 after being referred our way from K1W1 having already pitched to Flying Kiwis in Auckland.
On the back of Due Diligence undertaken by FKA and reviewed by a team of five Enterprise Angels, sixteen members invested $200K including EA Fund 1, alongside K1W1.
Subsequent rounds have seen a total of $1M invested by Enterprise Angels investors who continue to be impressed by the company’s stellar journey.